
Where Sustainability Meets Profitability

What is Drachme

Drachme is a currency with the value of energy

Drachme = (E+S-M-T)/P

This is the function of Drachme, where the different variables are defined as follows:

  • E represents the present energy that can be used or has been used to produce a product or service.
  • S is the storage capacity of the energy.
  • M is the energy required to compensate for the environmental damage caused by E.
  • T is the energy cost of transporting E.
  • P is the energy required to produce E.

All variables are measured in joules (J) or kilowatt-hours (kWh).

So, Drachme is a currency that considers various aspects and connects energy, the environment, and the economy.

If we analyze our existing economy, we see that it is based on "fiat currency," which, in turn, relies on the power and politics of different countries. However, the entire economy is disconnected from reality, especially from the environment. Simply, our economy is not sustainable.

This is where Drachme comes in as a solution to achieve sustainability.

Drachme forms the foundation of an economy where both profitability and environmental responsibility are achieved—this is what we call "sustainability."

Unlike all other currencies, the value of Drachme is based on the actions taken by states, companies, and individuals. The more sustainable decisions are made, the wealthier one becomes!

Drachme does not need to be "mined" like digital currencies, which rely on the destruction of computing power and vast amounts of kWh. Instead, it is "mined" by creating and utilizing sustainable products and services.

Let us introduce the concept of Drachme to you in more detail and show how it can help your business grow while keeping the environment healthy.

So don’t hesitate to book a free consultation!

In our vision, we see a green future where nature thrives, and people prosper. In this vision, a sustainable economy prevails—powered by a currency called Drachme!


Sustainability is our business.

Sustainability analysis

We help you with sustainability analysis by balancing economy, environmental friendliness, and profitability. We identify strategies for long-term success with minimal ecological impact.

Economic consulting

We help you with economic consulting by identifying your current situation, defining your goals, and mapping out a step-by-step approach to achieving sustainability. Our focus is on creating a balanced and long-term financial strategy.

Green transition consulting

We help you with the transition to the green economy by identifying sustainable opportunities, optimizing resources, and creating a long-term strategy for profitability and environmental responsibility.

Drachme in simple terms

As an example of our concept, we can see below a list of the most common energy sources, their corresponding Drachme value, as well as the residual environmental impact that arises from the use of these energy sources.

We can make a quick comparison between different energy sources, and thereby come to optimal decisions about which energy source should be used.
As we can see, renewable energy sources are more profitable from a sustainability perspective.
A country that invests in solar energy, wind power, or hydropower will therefore have a larger amount of Drachma and less debt in the form of environmental impact — in other words, "richer."

With such analysis, we can help stakeholders choose the solution that provides them with the greatest profitability based on their geo-political perspective.

We know that change is not easy, but it is possible. We will not simply suggest "use more renewable energy," but rather help stakeholders succeed with the green transition step by step. This benefits not only the environment but also the economic growth of the stakeholder.


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